
Billing Questions (6)

Questions and answers about our billing system

Technical FAQ (13)

Frequently Asked Questions about technical issues related to your hosting account


 Receiving Email from Ourhelpdesk

A lot of our communication will be through email. Everytime something happens - you sign up,...

 My ISP has blocked access to port 2083 - how do I access cPanel?

At OurHelpdesk.NET, we meet this problem from time to time, so there is a solution to help....

 How reliable are your servers? Uptime?

Very reliable! Over the past year our uptime has been better than 99.98%. That's an average of...

 Which nameservers should I use?

ns1.ourhelpdesk.net Our central DNS system is...

 Backup policy, Do you provide backups?

  You are responsible for your backups and web content.   Every Sunday we take a...