
Billing Questions (6)

Questions and answers about our billing system

Technical FAQ (13)

Frequently Asked Questions about technical issues related to your hosting account

Ən məşhur məqalələr

 Receiving Email from Ourhelpdesk

A lot of our communication will be through email. Everytime something happens - you sign up,...

 My ISP has blocked access to port 2083 - how do I access cPanel?

At OurHelpdesk.NET, we meet this problem from time to time, so there is a solution to help....

 How reliable are your servers? Uptime?

Very reliable! Over the past year our uptime has been better than 99.98%. That's an average of...

 Which nameservers should I use?

ns1.ourhelpdesk.net Our central DNS system is...

 Backup policy, Do you provide backups?

  You are responsible for your backups and web content.   Every Sunday we take a...